
明日、今日予約して 5年ぶりぐらいにレンタルバイクを借りてツーリングに行ってきます。(大型免許持ってます。)

本当はリッターバイク 借りたいのですが、久しぶりでなんか立ちゴケしそうで怖いので 400ccから250cc借りてみます。 (料金あんまり変わらない。)


ゴルフも20年ぶりに再会を目論んでいて 今日近くのジムのシミュレーションゴルフの体験レッスンに行ってきます。

Good morning.

Tomorrow, I’m going touring with a rented bike for the first time in about 5 years, after making a reservation today. (I have a large-sized license.)

I really want to rent a liter bike, but it’s been so long that I’m afraid of running off the road. (I’m going to rent a 250cc bike or a 400cc bike.)

I’m expecting a nice day tomorrow too.

Influenced by everyone, I am planning to play golf again for the first time in 20 years, and today I am going to take a trial lesson of simulation golf at a nearby gym.

Good morning.

Tomorrow, I’m going touring with a rented bike for the first time in about 5 years, after making a reservation today. (I have a large-sized license.)

I really want to rent a liter bike, but it’s been so long that I’m afraid of running off the road. (I’m going to rent a 250cc bike or a 400cc bike.)

I’m expecting a nice day tomorrow too.

Influenced by everyone, I am planning to play golf again for the first time in 20 years, and today I am going to take a trial lesson of simulation golf at a nearby gym.

( translated by Deeple. )