
昨日、新年の初売りで新しくメガネを作ろうと思い (遠近両用とPC用の中近両用が必要です。眼内レンズも勉強中です。 ほんとめんどう)
以前、HAUWAI のオーディオグラスを作ったオンデーズに行ってきました。  福岡の天神も 中国と韓国のインバウンドが本当多いです。 メガネ屋さんも

今回は AI が自動的にやってくれました。 縦の線と横の線どっちが濃いですか? 縁が切れてる方はどっちですか? 全てレバーを倒したり押したりして
自分で操作します。 こっちの方が人間よりめちゃくちゃ早い。 多分精度もいいような気がします。

Gemini も Chat GPT も両方課金して 色々試してます。   なんかいろんなことが変わりそうな予感。

Happy New Year!

Yesterday, I went to Owndays to get new glasses at the New Year’s sale (I need progressive lenses and mid-range bifocals for PC use. I’m also looking into intraocular lenses. It’s really a hassle). I had previously gotten audio glasses from HAUWAI made there. There are so many inbound tourists from China and Korea in Tenjin, Fukuoka. Even the eyeglasses stores are crowded.

Before, when I had my glasses made, they had a system where they connected online with a specialist staff member in Osaka to measure my prescription. This time, AI did it automatically. “Which vertical or horizontal line is darker? Which side has the broken edge?” I operated the levers myself, flipping and pushing them. This is much faster than a human. I think the accuracy is probably better too.

I’m subscribed to both Gemini and Chat GPT and trying out various things. I have a feeling that many things are about to change.