時間ができたので、Winchester から Southhampton まで電車で行ってきました。

タイタニック号がここから出航したそうです。 その博物館 Seacity Musium に行ったら 入場が16:00 までで10分遅れで入れなかった~。

この時期は、朝早い時間 キャンパスにリスが現れます。

A Day Trip to Southampton by Train
With some free time on my hands, I decided to take a day trip from Winchester to Southampton by train.

Southampton is the famous port city from which the Titanic set sail. So, I naturally wanted to visit the Seacity Museum, which is dedicated to the Titanic. However, to my disappointment, I arrived 10 minutes after the closing time of 4:00 PM and was unable to enter.