
外国人観光客 本当多い。  ホテルのエレベーターであった人もアメリカ・カナダ・ドイツ

東南アジアからもたくさん。  銀座のユニクロ  外国人の方が多い。

都営地下鉄  今更ながら ほんと地下奥深く  とっても歩く

ホテルが高くなってる。 コロナ前の1.5倍から2倍以上

やっぱり人が多い。 首都圏の総人口4000万人は、やっぱり別格

でも、取引先や クライアントの皆さんにお時間いただきやっぱり対面で話をするのはうれしい。



What I thought on my business trip to Tokyo

Foreign tourists – there really are a lot of them.  People I met in the lift at the hotel were from the USA, Canada, Germany and South East Asia.

Many people from South East Asia.  UNIQLO in Ginza There are many foreigners.

Toei Subway – after all these years, it’s really deep underground and a very long walk.

Hotels are getting more expensive. 1.5 to 2 times more expensive than before Corona.

There are still a lot of people. The total population of the metropolitan area of 40 million is exceptional.

But it’s nice to have face-to-face meetings with business partners and clients.

It’s a bit too hot at the moment, but in the future I’d like to live Tokyo for about three months a year.